Heart of the Samurai
Since May of 2004, Klemmer & Associates have been bringing their amazing “Heart of the Samurai” participants to San Diego.
The mission of Klemmer Leadership Seminars is : “...to create bold, ethical, compassionate leaders who will create a world that works for everyone with no one left out”. For twenty years Project Mercy has witnessed the development of these strengths year after year in “Heart of the Samurai” participants.
Their tireless fundraising has enabled Project Mercy to build homes for over 350 families in dire need in Mexico. Through their profound generosity, we have also been able to donate hundreds of food packages and other non-perishable items to ease the lives of desperately poor people in eastern Tijuana. Over the years “Heart” has helped us develop schools, playgrounds and community buildings. Their dedication to our cause is deeply admired and appreciated.
Project Mercy is eternally grateful to be able to partner with Klemmer Leadership Seminars. Founder Brian Klemmer’s dream was to create Compassionate Samurai to make a difference in this world. “Heart of the Samurai” participants are realizing his dream.