WE BEAT THE RAIN and brought a family together.
Raul and Maria Medina Mena have custody of their delightful grandchildren Kenia Renata 8, and Raul Alexander who is 4. Kenia and Raul’s parents both abandoned them, first their father and then their mother. Kenia worries a lot about her grandparents and tries to take care of them as well as she can. You can feel the special love they all share.
Both Maria and Raul have been working as Uber drivers, but since COVID-19 hit northern Baja California, their income has been really cut back. Their house was so small that Raul had to sleep outside in a tent. Maria and Raul say: ” We take turns in working so that there is always someone here for the children. There are many bugs in the house and the floor is just dirt. We are trying to get ahead but it is a daily struggle. The possibility of having a decent house is a true dream for us.”
Well on October 24, ALL HALLOWS CATHOLIC CHURCH OF LA JOLLA answered their prayers and built the components of a new house which Project Mercy Baja had shipped down to Mexico. The house was scheduled to be the second of the five houses built and November 8 was the chosen date.
Our foreman in Mexico, Roberto, and construction manager John Zawis, looked at the weather forecast and made a last minute decision. Our lumber yard, GES LUMBER, made a fast change in plans and got all materials delivered a day early. Hence on Friday November 6, we were delighted to be able to build this multi-generational family a solid and secure house to call home that they could finally share together.
Thank you to everyone involved.