On January 8th John Zawis and our Mexican crew and friends from the US built THE FIRST HOUSE OF 2022.
We send our heartfelt thanks to DPR Construction of San Diego. When they were unable to participate in our Annual Baja Challenge in 2021, DPR generously decided to sponsor three homes in Mexico.
The Hernandez Duarte Family were the lucky recipients of house #2, which is also the very first Project Mercy house of 2022. Their previous home was made of scrap wood and tarps. There were a lot of holes and dust and wind blew through the shack constantly. The dad, Guadalupe Ricardo, has only had a job on occasion since the start of the pandemic and has had to pawn his few tools to buy food for the family.
“We have had to borrow things from our neighbors to survive” says his wife Carolina.
January 8 was such a happy day for them when our Mexican crew together with John Zawis and some friends from the US built a good solid house in record time.
Project Mercy Baja looks forward to helping many more of these seriously poor and disadvantaged families in 2022. Thank you all for your support.