Whitaker Investment Corporation planned to join Project Mercy in the 21st annual Baja Challenge build in October 2020. The coronavirus pandemic caused the 21st Annual event to be cancelled, but Whitaker generously decided to sponsor a family even though they couldn’t participate in person.
This is the story of the Chavarin-Ortega family that Whitaker Investment sponsored. Mari and Marcos Chavarin-Ortega were both brought to Tijuana by their parents when they were young. They met while working in a store. Although they used to work in factories and bring home a good wage, a combined $178 per week, their hours were drastically cut with the arrival of COVID-19 and now their hours and salaries vary every week. Son Jose de Jesus, who is 17, likes to study. He is very serious, calm, and a gentleman. Nuría, their 11 year old daughter, is the opposite of her brother, she is an extrovert and is very chatty and fun.
When we first met the family Mari said: ” We don’t have a bathroom, we don’t have light, and we don’t have a bed. We cook our food outside on a wood fire. Our floor is made of dirt and we sleep on the ground with our 3 puppies. The house is made of old pieces of wood and the wind is very strong where we live and blows right through the walls. As a result, we get sick very often. The grocery stores are a long way away and it is difficult to get transportation because where we live is very remote. It is our dream to have a good home that is warm and safe. A home where the poisonous insects don’t enter and sting us, a place where we won’t get wet when it rains.”
Well this past weekend their wishes were fulfilled. Thank you again Whitaker Investment Corp. for your generosity and support for the Chavarin-Ortega family.